Audition Notice

Published 26 Jul 2021

Monday 27th September at 7:45pm at The Players Theatre

And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie - Directed by Pat Shepherd

The Classic Agatha Christie Murder Mystery

Ten strangers are summoned to a remote island. All that the guests have in common is a wicked past they're unwilling to reveal and a secret that will seal their fate. For each has been marked for murder. As the weather turns and the group is cut off from the mainland, the bloodbath begins and one by one they are brutally murdered in accordance with the lines of a sinister nursery rhyme.

Cast: 8 men and 3 women.


  • Rogers - Manservant - indeterminate age. Needs to be able to show 2 sides - one when with his wife and Narracott and the other when in service
  • Fred Narracott (doubles with Marston) indeterminate age - local accent slow and dependable
  • Captain Philip Lombard - 34 - 45 - adventurer type has set his cap for Vera right from the beginning
  • Anthony Marston - 23 - 30 Needs to be acted young. Spoilt, rich and a little lacking in intelligence. Doubles with Narracott who should then be played much older to differentiate between the two. A challenge as we can't have the audience realising it is the same actor or they may think it is part of the plot.
  • William Blore - middle aged and thickset. Starts off calling himself Davies. Needs to be constantly looking around as if to make notes of things - ex policeman now a private detective.
  • General John Mackenzie - upright soldierly type of the older generation
  • Sir Lawrence Wargrave - Judge so an older generation and expects everyone to do as he says. Has sentenced many to their deaths by hanging.
  • Dr Edward Armstrong - 44 or older - fussy, good looking but very tired. He specialises in nervous conditions these days having been a surgeon previously.


  • Mrs Rogers - age indeterminate - homely cook suddenly landed with the housekeeping as well. Likes to complain to other staff but never to guests.
  • Vera Claythorne - 25 to 30 - good looking and efficient secretary but very sociable too so comes over as friendly and helpful. Drawn to Captain Lombard.
  • Emily Brent - tall, thin spinster of indeterminate age with a very disagreeable manner. Never smiles and never unbends. Would be good if the actor can knit, but not insurmountable.

Performance dates 8th - 12th March 2022